February 29, 2012

Orange Dream

Last night while I was yapping Hubby's ear off about all the little tweets and artwork ideas I have for the house (this is my form of pregnancy nesting. Not folding baby clothes, but by thinking 'we really need a big horse canvas in the dining room') I showed him an orange Hermes print that I was hoping to hang in the entry area. He gave me a thumbs up, and I said thank you since 'I know you don't really like orange'. He replied 'I like orange!' Oh. WELL then - this changes everything!

I started searching photos I had pinned on Pinterest with orange accents - then I realised I, like, totally did that already. In September 2010. Well, I guess I still like it! Here are a few other orange photos that I am finding particularly charming right now

But which room do I put this hit of orange?

February 28, 2012

TV Hutch Makeover

I recently did a little TV hutch makeover. I love our TV hutch, but I found the two glass panels on the sides were showing all of our movies and gaming systems. You can't make that look tidy.

So I decided to line the backs of them with scrapbooking paper. This way I could hide the mess, get some extra interest into the piece, and it would be cheap and easy if I wanted to switch it out in the future.

Handy dandy scrapbooking paper pad

I selected two patterns that I liked

And opted for the one on the left, as it goes better with the tone of the wood

I cut the paper to size, and taped it to the glass from the back

And it turned out lovely!

And it still looks this great! I'm surprised how well it's held up, and now couldn't imagine it without the paper detail. The bonus? A friend pointed it out sayin that was such a neat feature and asked me where I got the TV hutch. Score.

Simple, cheap redos on furniture - now that's what MorganDesignInc stands for! Have you ever done a mini-project like this before? How did it turn out? Is your stock of scrapbooking paper embarasingly large as well? Or are you actually cool.

February 3, 2012

Cushion for My...well... Cushion

Today I whipped up a cute cushion for the nursery - a small round cushion (with handle) for Hubby and I to use when we play with Bean on the floor. 1 yard of fabric, 2 packs of premade piping, and some hand stitching was all it took for this little number. Well worth it for a comfy cushion for our cushions.